2025, what will you bring?

On reflection 2024 has been nothing but unique!

The year brought pain, suffering, and challenges for many, the year of stirring things up, lots of people passed over because the portal was easily accessible, lots of truths came to the surface, some relationships were healed, some broke down and old frameworks crumbled.

We only have to follow the news to see how many truths came to the surface, and how many frameworks began to crumble!

2025 should be the year of rebuilding stronger and more meaningful foundations. As we rise our consciousness as a collective, we will begin to see things through more loving eyes. Priorities will change, egos will soften, and a new way of living will unfold. We are ascending and aligning further into the Aquarian age.

More people will awaken, more will begin to live in a space of love not greed, with the opportunity to expand and grow and understand us on a deeper level. It’s almost the year that humanity will agree to disagree! That said I do predict more trauma, drama and conflict before our planet can live in peace. This year our planet really needs our help, our planet can only heal and recover if it’s left alone – the more we interfere to sustain our needs and greed, then the more our planet will suffer. It is up to us, humanity, all humanity, to do what’s right – live in a way that will heal our planet and not feed our greed.

In our new golden age, our golden future, things will not be permitted as they are today, we as humanity will see things from a higher perspective, maybe we will question why we lived from our minds not our hearts for so long… That of course is all part of the plan, the bigger picture, the more we invest the time and energy to ‘do the work’, heal the wounds and become the best and highest version of ourselves, the sooner we do, the sooner we will notice the ripple effect, the effect that will change the world and our planet for everyone.

Material things will become less important, it will be presence and community that become priority, the need to connect at a new level, connected through our emotional heart centres. For many of those walking, in higher consciousness, and authenticity, will be walking in oneness, being and accepting – change is coming, I feel it, but often change can bring pain. Some of us are already beginning to feel the change, acknowledging new priorities and healing through the pain, 2024 was certainly the year that got the ball rolling for many!

Investing the time for you is important this year, whether you choose to become more creative, join a meditation circle, read, study and observe, develop yourself intuitively, noticing that telepathy is in your consciousness, booking some masterclasses, learning something new or putting your trust in a coach or therapist to guide you– it’s the year of opportunity for change.

Spend time doing what lights you up, doing what makes your heart sing, and what puts the biggest smile on your face, when you do, your vibration and consciousness will automatically ascend, you will be creating a life that fulfils you and your soul. Rising and ascending will make the biggest changes in your life, yet they are most often the simplest. Stepping onto a path of authenticity full of love, peace and gratitude, filling your mind with hope, contentment and joy – keep it simple and live from a place of gratitude, kindness and contentment, do what lights you up, and you will, without any effort, become the next version of you!

I’m always here to hold your hand and guide you.

So, here’s to wishing that 2025 will bring more peace, happiness and stability to everyone.

Do let me know if today’s message resonates, inspires or talks to your soul. And as always, I welcome comments and feedback, and please do share with anyone else who might enjoy the read.

Happy New Year.

Until next time, love and blessings



Message channelled by Joanna Kelsall 1/1/25