I originally posted this image on facebook back in 2015, as I had recently changed my business name to Rainbow Wings.

Sitting in a local coffee shop, with my right arm man enjoying a relaxed coffee and a business chat, Andy looked at me and said “You need an Academy”. Moments later the penny dropped and I was inspired and excited, but I needed to break through my self limiting beliefs, and fear of not being good enough to to fulfil this new goal.

It was time for me to step up and expand, and although I had been a Reiki Master Teacher since 2007, I knew I had more to offer.

My spiritual path was expanding, my consciousness was rising, my path was being illuminated – I knew what I needed to do, but how would I do it?

It took time, effort, trial and error, a lot of energy work on myself, I delved deep into the depths of my shadow, and I embraced my wounds like never before. I am still working through past trauma and energetic imbalances, just as we all are- but I stepped up to the challenge.

Since then I have taught many different healing modalities channelled by others, I have taught development, tarot, crystal work and more, all under the umbrella of Rainbow Wings Academy but it still didn’t feel right- I was trying to fulfil my purpose, how could it still be wrong?

In 2019 Andy created a beautiful website for me, Joanna Kelsall.uk, its purpose was to hold all of my services for my one to one appointments, healing, reiki, holistic therapies and readings – I was still, even this far into my journey in fear of putting my name to what I did. I took a leap of faith and put my name to it!

2020 – lockdown. I had another choice, sink or swim! I stepped up once more and began teaching reiki online. I knew in my heart that I needed to put my name to the Academy – so during the first lockdown I committed to that too! The Joanna Kelsall Academy was launched, and interestingly a couple of my students had picked up on the changes – I saw this as my confirmation to move forward.

Andy did say ‘I’ need an academy, I took it as Rainbow Wings should have one!

Here we are in 2021, I have my academy that was mentioned 6 years prior, I am teaching everything that I taught through Rainbow Wings, but it is only now the magic is beginning to happen.

Through my experience I have realised that I am here to teach my truth, the wisdom and inspiration that is being given to me by the higher source, I am remembering why I am here, and what I have to share.

I am currently hooked back up to the angelic realms, creating new healing energies to share with you, and I am also allowing my heart to guide me, I am speaking my truth and sharing that with you too.

I am now fulfilling my purpose, standing in my power and doing the job that I signed up to do!!

It might take a while and they could be some dips and bends – but it is never to late to walk your path in oneness and authenticity with who you truly are.

So, sometimes the biggest gifts, insights and inspiration come just when you least expect it.

Dream big dear ones, step up and into the light, your existence is a journey with your destination far from sight.

Reach out if you too want to step away from fear, I can help you to heal your life and find your true purpose.

Much love