About Joanna Kelsall
I am a Holistic and Spiritual Wellbeing Consultant, an International Healer, Teacher, Coach, Mentor and Guide.
I am a lightworker, a Wayshower and a channel for the higher realms. I am the founder of Divine Angelic Resonance; I also speak Light/Soul language, which is a beautiful experience.
My passion is healing, I love watching my clients transform their lives while working with me.
From near death to self-employed
How did Jo find her truth?
It was in 2004 during her near-death experience that the big shift arrived for me, it all started to make sense; the time had come for me to speak out and share my gifts with others. I suffered an acute subarachnoid aneurysm on 5th Feb 2004, my heroes saved my life at the QE hospital in Birmingham, UK. Scans, operations, and 52 staples later, I left critical care after 5 days and returned to work within 3 months!
Since 2009 I have been self-employed, offering a wide variety of holistic therapies including Indian Head Massage, Baby Massage, Healing and Reiki. Over the years I have embraced My spiritual journey and added a number of healing modalities to my practice and also use my psychic & intuitive abilities to offer healing, readings, and coaching.
Prior to using my own name, I was known as Rainbow Wings, Rainbow in the Clouds, JMK Events & Cheerful Cherubs.