My very first card reading with Jo live blew my mind this was first ever reading in my life and she was so right on with what my current life situation was and even connected with my son Anthony that I recently lost and told me he said he was ok and at peace with himself. I fell so much at peace when even just listen to her and then I had a reading with Jo via Zoom and the things that she told me made so much sense and still the one person I really wanted to come through did even my Grandma. Jo was so gentle, always asked if I was ok and that I was doing a great job it made me so at ease. And to know that my Grandma took my Anthony hands and welcome him to heaven was so heart whelming. Jo even did long long distance healing for me and I so felt it. I even told her about a dream I hand with a man and super bright light around him which turned out to be archangel Gabriel. I would talk with Jo forever and ever if I could. Jo has helped me in so many way it’s unbelievable and I’m so grateful I got to talk with her.
This review/testimonial was originally left on Facebook: