My journey with Jo started with finding her pop up while sharing cards. I simply watched at first, observing her energy and the way she loving connected with those she shared with. I soon felt comfortable to join in and ask her to read my energy. I wasn’t excepting to receive a connection that was so spot on and personal. It was like Jo was looking directly into my heart and soul. I continued to join for a few more live readings before reaching out to her a one on one healing session.
My healing session was amazing, I quickly felt a shift in my emotions. I live with severe anxiety, many days struggling to find challenging to leave my home or be around people. Not a problem during Covid, in fact it makes things a bit more challenging for me. I now have an excuse to lock myself away.
My main block has been fear caused from trauma brought on before birth even. During my healing session Jo was able to help me begin to release the fear and pain. This was only the beginning of my journey to healing. I knew I wanted and needed more. There was a lot of deep hidden energy that needed lifting and sifting.
My next step was to join her soul reflections course. I joined late but was able to join the first session on replay, which happened to be inner child healing. This is where I joined my very small younger self as very scared tiny self filled with immobilizing pain and darkness. Jo was able to guide me into being able to not only understand what has been holding me back but to also release it. Our final session Jo brought on powerful loving healing energy, this is where I felt a major shift in energy, and I am still feeling the fear and negativity leaving.

I’m also learning to connect with spirit and listen to their messages. I have found that they are lining up directly with the things Jo has been showing me. The card that I pulled the evening after our last session was about letting go of fear. I can’t say enough about how Jo has helped me. I recommend her highly and thank her for helping me to change my life