Hi everyone,
I wanted to share with you how things have been swirling around in my head following contact from a friend, who is going through a difficult time knowing that a close family member is reaching the end of life.
For a long time, I have known that part of my purpose is to support with transition when moving on from the earth plane. I have always had a strong connection to spirit and the angelic realms and the more I have continued my path, the deeper my understanding has become.
It is now that I understand why I couldn’t continue to hire community rooms in my local hospice for Reiki shares, there were a few too many souls ready to pass, and indeed many who had already moved on, pulling on my energy and gravitating towards my light.
This brings me to the story of the light house. Back in the early 20’s I visited my regular psychic medium for help and advice following a difficult situation regarding a new healing system that I had channelled and co-founded with another local healer (cosmic alignment technique, which can no longer exist.) Anyway, like any reading, we already know the answers, so I followed the guidance & clarity and let it go. As the reading went on my trusted psychic said that I would live near a lighthouse, “I can see the lighthouse so close Jo, you may even be living in it”. I am happy to find a lighthouse, but I don’t think I could live in one!
Time passed and my healing journey accelerated. I was pushing time, effort, and money into my passion, my purpose, and the life that I dreamed of. It became evident over time that I was in fact being seen as a beacon of light, the lighthouse to illuminate the path back into harbour!
In 2017 I visited Marco from New World Creations to choose another angel, I have several of his beautiful angel sculptures. This time I was very drawn to Archangel Azrael, the angel that New World Creations have called ‘going home’. During the channelled messages from Marco, he confirmed that one of my gifts in this lifetime was to help with the journey of returning home.
It’s both an honour and a sadness to participate in this type of sacred healing.
The universe has a way of helping humanity find what it needs. I have heard from many acquaintances ‘out of the blue’, when they are losing someone close, friends are always quick to share the sad news too.
Connecting to souls as they prepare to leave the earth plain is an act of love and gratitude for me, I haven’t charged for my time, I work with the angels and spirit in oneness, integrity and grace.
I have shared some profound experiences, as well as some less intense. I was with my dad at his time of passing, years before I understood the part I am here to play. I visited my cousin shortly before he passed, I worked with him to find peace between both dimensions. I have so many other experiences, too many to share, but one of the hardest and most profound was the day my very close and terminally ill friend phoned me from her death bed to say goodbye and ask for my help. As she slipped into a state of unconsciousness and deep sleep over the next days / hours I worked with her leading her towards the light. So heartbreaking, so heartwarming and such a privilege.
Who is archangel Azrael?
Well, he is one of the most mysterious and misunderstood angels in the heavenly realm. He is often called the Angel of Death, as he is a gentle guide and a comforter for those who are crossing over to the other side. He helps them to let go of their earthly attachments and fears, and to embrace the divine light that awaits them. He also assists the grieving loved ones who are left behind, offering them healing and hope, and will remind you of your spiritual purpose. He is a compassionate and gentle angel, who wants nothing more than to ease the pain of loss and transition.
I am truly passionate about my work as a healer, channel and guide, blessed to have a connection with the angelic realm. You are welcome to reach out if I can be of service.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you found it interesting. As always I welcome comments and feedback, and please do share with anyone else who might enjoy the read.
Love and blessings
The High Vibe Therapist
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