The Benefits of Baby Massage.

The Benefits of Baby Massage.

Welcome to my blog! Today I’m going to talk about the benefits of baby massage, a practice that has been around for centuries and is gaining popularity in the modern world. Baby massage is a gentle and soothing way of bonding with your little one, as well as...
The benefits of Distant Reiki

The benefits of Distant Reiki

The benefits of distant Reiki are vast and can bring about positive transformations in various areas of your life. Whether you’re dealing with physical ailments, emotional distress, or seeking overall wellbeing, distant Reiki can provide you with remarkable...
Back to School Distant Healing

Back to School Distant Healing

Do you have a school age child who is feeling anxious, worried or distressed about the new term? Maybe it’s the start of a new school, class, teacher, or friends. Maybe its food, separation or being part of a crowd. Maybe its new subjects, a bus ride, or exams....
Spiritual Healing or Reiki?

Spiritual Healing or Reiki?

Do I need Spiritual healing or Reiki? If you are feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, or unbalanced in your life, you may have wondered if spiritual healing or reiki could help you. These are two popular forms of alternative therapy that claim to heal your body,...
What are the clairs?

What are the clairs?

They are different types of psychic abilities that some people claim to have. You know, like seeing the future, hearing voices, feeling vibes, and so on. The word clair comes from the French word for clear, and it’s used to describe how some people perceive...