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News, information, & Resources

Releasing under a Full Moon

Releasing under a Full Moon

Welcome back to my blog! Today, let's explore the significance of releasing under a full moon. Releasing, the act of letting go, is a powerful way to clear your energy and make space for new opportunities. But what makes the full moon the perfect time for this...

The Benefits of Baby Massage.

The Benefits of Baby Massage.

Welcome to my blog! Today I'm going to talk about the benefits of baby massage, a practice that has been around for centuries and is gaining popularity in the modern world. Baby massage is a gentle and soothing way of bonding with your little one, as well as providing...

What is Human Design?

What is Human Design?

Welcome to my blog! Today I want to talk to you about something that has changed my life: human design. What is human design, you ask? Well, it's a system that combines astrology, I Ching, the chakras, and quantum physics to reveal your unique blueprint for living....



Introducing the Elohim: Unveiling the Mysteries Have you ever wondered about the Elohim? Who are they, where do they come from, what do they do, and most importantly, why do we need them? Prepare to embark on a journey of discovery as we unlock the secrets of these...

What is a Spiritual Wellbeing Consultant?

What is a Spiritual Wellbeing Consultant?

Are you feeling overwhelmed in this crazy, fast-paced world we live in? Finding balance and inner peace is essential for our wellbeing. But what is a Spiritual Wellbeing Consultant exactly? Let me introduce you to the ultimate guide, mentor, and support system on your...

The benefits of Distant Reiki

The benefits of Distant Reiki

The benefits of distant Reiki are vast and can bring about positive transformations in various areas of your life. Whether you're dealing with physical ailments, emotional distress, or seeking overall wellbeing, distant Reiki can provide you with remarkable healing...

Back to School Distant Healing

Back to School Distant Healing

Do you have a school age child who is feeling anxious, worried or distressed about the new term? Maybe it's the start of a new school, class, teacher, or friends. Maybe its food, separation or being part of a crowd. Maybe its new subjects, a bus ride, or exams. What...

Spiritual Healing or Reiki?

Spiritual Healing or Reiki?

Do I need Spiritual healing or Reiki? If you are feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, or unbalanced in your life, you may have wondered if spiritual healing or reiki could help you. These are two popular forms of alternative therapy that claim to heal your body,...

What is Ego?

What is Ego?

Hey, welcome to my blog! Today I want to talk about something that I think affects many of us: the ego. The question that many people ask themselves, especially when they are trying to improve their self-esteem, relationships, or happiness. Ego is the part of your...

What is The Lions Gate Portal

What is The Lions Gate Portal

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to my blog, where I share my thoughts on all things spiritual and holistic. Today, I want to talk to you about a very special event that happens every year around this time: the Lions Gate Portal. What is the Lions Gate Portal, you ask?...