We hear the word Gratitude a lot these days, but what does it mean?
Showing our gratitude, our thanks, our appreciation are all similar things, its nothing new, and let’s face it, we were all taught manners, how to say please and thank you from a very young age.
It saddens me that as we strive to succeed in adulthood, the most simple, basic, yet powerful thing that has been with us for a lifetime, gets forgotten. Adults often get so focused on their own needs, often thinking 3 steps ahead, making plans for tomorrow, rushing to get back to a meeting or dare I say it, even being sucked in by social media, we forget to focus on what is happening right now.
Here’s what happens.
Gratitude like everything is an energy, it’s a frequency that we can choose to operate on if we wish.
Gratitude holds a higher vibration, than focusing on things that are often forced upon us, the media, the traffic chaos, the shop assistant that is having a bad day. You can change the vibration for you, and in doing so you will most likely change it for the others who you come into contact with too.
Have you ever noticed, what happens when you say thank you, have a nice day to the shop assistant who may have grunted at you? Have you noticed what happens when you let the pushy car driver into the flow of gridlock traffic?
100% you change the energy of you, them and the situation. Notice how other people start to do the same, notice how the grunt, becomes a “how can I help you”, just because you changed the energy.
You brightened somebody’s day!
Why, because deep inside you remembered gratitude. You were grateful to be patiently waiting in the gridlock traffic, and you were grateful for not being stuck behind the shop counter for hours on end, doing the same thing over and over.
Gratitude is the fastest and most simple way to raise your vibration, raising your vibration is guaranteed to provide a better experience for you! When we recognise how fortunate we are, whether we feel it or not, you will feel more positive, there is always a little nugget of happiness, sometimes we just need to dig deep.
A positive lifestyle starts with you, your mindset, and your ability to be grateful. That said, sometimes circumstances occur, curve balls are thrown onto our path. Take back your power, and find something to be grateful for. Expressing Gratitude is so simple, it is life changing. The way you interact with yourself, and others is an energy, and that energy frequency sets the scene for your future, maybe the meeting, the day, the next gift. a successful resolution, or a lifetime of happiness.
When my clients acknowledge and express gratitude towards me and my services, it really warms my heart, it feeds my soul and fills me with encouragement to carry on. It also helps me to recognise my worth, something that I don’t always find easy. The feedback that I receive from my clients is carried forward within my energy, therefore my gratitude is passed back to you. I never take things for granted.
So, be grateful for your lessons and your blessings. Be grateful for those who look out for you, those who cared for you in years gone by. Show gratitude and appreciation to mother nature, next time you step outside stop and look at what’s around you, notice how nature carries on regardless of its environment. Be grateful for being you, there is only one of you to love and nurture. Never take things for granted, never underestimate the power of kindness, always say thank you when somebody pays you a compliment, does something for you or gifts you. Be grateful for opportunities.
Andy, my husband wrote in a previous post, “Research shows that practicing gratitude is good for our immune systems, improves brain function and mental health. It feels good, and when we feel good, we’re more likely to feel optimistic, and also likely to spread that positive feeling, thus creating a positive ripple effect”.
I have to agree as raising our vibrations is definitely good for us, for our mental, emotional and physical health.
Stop what you are doing, look around you and note 5 things that you are grateful for right now.
How does gratitude (or the lack of it) make you feel?
My gratitude goes to you, for taking the time to read this, for sharing this blog and for adding your comments.
Love and blessing
The High Vibe Therapist
(Image curtesy of Bianca on Pixabay)