The value of an energy exchange

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Occasionally the question is asked ‘why do I charge for my services, when it doesn’t cost me to give a reading or healing’

Well the truth is, energy isn’t free, and we should learn to spend our energy wisely.

Everything we do costs us time and energy, and when we use our energy on tasks that drain us, leaving us feeling undervalued or even taken for granted these things soon become chores and burdens. Think back to a time when this resonates with you.

When we spend our energy on things that leave us feeling appreciated, supported, loved and respected, we align with those we are connecting with, we vibrate on a higher frequency, when this happens we radiate positive vibrations – we feel valued. Now go back to a time when you felt loved , and respected. Can you feel the difference?

Everything is energy, and energy is intelligent – where the intention goes, energy flows!

So back to the beginning of this blog, I charge for my services because, I am charging for my time and energy. I charge for my services as they are my only income. I value my energy, my spirit team, my clients and students. Through healing I help my customers to heal and transform their lives, through guidance I assist them to make important decisions by looking at their options through actions that they take.

My clients have married that person, that in the early stages of the relationship came to me for clarity, some clients have become successful business owners or grown their business, they came to me feeling lost or stuck (even though according to UK law readings are for the purpose of entertainment). My clients have come to me and healed past trauma, gained confidence and set themselves free. And some of my students have taken skills and qualifications gained through the academy and are helping people just as I do.

I charge for my services because I pay professional associations so that your training is accredited to a recognisable standard. I pay business insurance so that my clients feel safe, and without it I can not legally practice. I pay for a website so that my clients can find me, and buy directly – I do not hide my fees, they are there on the website. I pay for zoom so that I can host group sessions for my clients and students. I pay for all my office equipment, wifi, computers, electricity and mobile phone, I pay bank charges and paypal fees and I pay room hire for in person training and appointments.

I have paid for professional training since 2005, and I continue to do so, I wish to be the best person that I can be. I trained in Usui Reiki in 2006, I charge my students less than I paid my Master 16 years ago.

I run special offers, and freebies, and give away plenty of time for free facebook lives.

I charge for my services because I value my spirit team, my teachers, myself and the energy! I am often being told that I undercharge, but I am me, and my aim is to make my services accessible to all those who are drawn to connect with me.

I will always charge because that is my ethos, but I will never be the most expensive nor will I be the cheapest – the energy exchange will always be aligned with me and my spirit team.

So my loves, my message to you, spend your energy wisely, value who you are and align to your surroundings.

Thank you all for your continued support, I couldn’t fulfil my calling if it wasn’t for you.

Much love



  1. I feel sad that you are even questioned or feel the need to explain. This is your business as well as your passion, you literally change people’s lives, you are so generous with your time, your energy, your support and advise. I certainly would not be where I am today with out you. It’s bad enough for someone to undervalue themselves let alone others undervalue them and take them for granted. As you say we know how we feel when it’s done to us. I for one will be very grateful for you Jo

  2. Jo, your energy is worth more than you charge, I started my Reiki one course with you about a year ago and as you know I said I cannot do this, but you believed in me when I did not believe in myself and with your help I moved on to Reiki two. I only wanted to take Reiki one to help my arthritis and it did I used two crutches to get up in the morning but after self-healing with Reiki one I only use one crutch now just for safety. You have helped me in so many different ways, I now have set up my own Reiki business and I thank you for being there for me. You are an amazing person and I would highly recommend you to anybody and all my friends, not just for Reiki but all the different things you do. I have had readings from you that gave me messages from my loved ones in spirit, which gave me peace.

  3. Jo, this is an incredible reminder of knowing one’s own worth and the true value of our hard won skills 💜 Thank you for setting out all the points so succinctly 💜🙏🏻


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