Angel Therapy

Angel Therapy with Jo Kelsall – Jo is one of Kyle Gray’s Certified Angel guides.
Would you like to have angelic guidance into your future? Would you like to connect to the angelic realm for healing and support? Appointments last up to 90 minutes and take place over Zoom. Please be aware of any time difference as Jo is based in the UK (GMT/BST) contact us for more information.
Jo will channel the energy of the Angels and Archangels to you, helping you to gain clarity and a deeper understanding of your purpose. Whilst connected to you, the Angels will give Jo the opportunity to look at your situation through their eyes.
During an Angel Guidance appointment you will be taken on a gentle guided meditation to connect you to your guides and angels. Jo will then connect to you on an energetic level, reading your energy, guiding you on to the right pathway and channelling words of wisdom for you from the Angels. You will then have the opportunity to ask questions on specific areas of you life and Jo will use Angel Cards to bring clarity for you. To end you appointment Jo will channel Healing from the Angels, working on any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual imbalances, leaving you feeling relaxed, refreshed, balanced and aligned.
Your appointment will be unique to you, and will consist of some or all of the following:
- Angel Card Reading
- Meditation
- Healing
- Mentoring
In 2020 Jo trained with Kyle Gray and became one of his Certified Angel Guides.
Before you purchase please note the following:
- You should seek medical advice if you are ill or unwell
- You have the openness to receive and accept the guidance
- You have suitable place to connect, with a good internet connection if you appointment is online.
- Please be aware that readings are in English
Once you have purchased your reading please contact us to book your appointment. All purchases are subject to our Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions. Regardless of any information passed on to you, we ask that you make up your own mind and we do not take responsibility for any actions that you take under your own free will. We do not offer medical nor financial advice. Due to Government legislation, we must inform you that readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Joanne –
I have recieved angel therapy with jo today, and it was such an amazing experience, I was given so much insight into my connection with Angel’s and spirit guides. Jo works with you on a soul level along with Angel’s and spirit guides, it’s truly an uplifting experience. I have gained so much insight and clarity through this first angel therapy, this will certainly not be the last angel therapy I have with jo.
I feel so uplifted and confident within in myself. I would highly highly recommend angel therapy with jo, you won’t be disappointed.
Jo is so caring and supportive throughout and is extremely gifted. It’s been an absolute pleasure connecting with jo.
Sandra Mayson –
I have received the Angel Therapy from Jo and she has given me the insight into what path I am taking on my spiritual journey. Jo gave me answers to doubts I had in my own mine.
When I started Reiki 1 with Jo she believed in me when I did not even believe in myself, I have much more confidence now and I am moving forward again. Jo is a wonderful, kind and genuine person and I would highly recommend her to others.
Sara Streeter –
I was most fortunate to be one of the first people to experience Jo’s Angel Guidance readings. I’ve had many readings and healing with Jo over the years and have always had amazing experiences and insight. This year for me has been so difficult, my life has completely changed, and I’ve faced so many challenges and to be honest, I had lost my way. Jo has been so supportive as a friend, as well as a healer. I honestly couldn’t have got through the last few months without her guidance, compassion and the hope she gave me.
When Jo approached me about her new Angel Guidance, I jumped at the chance to experience this with her. We started off with a grounding meditation, where I got to invite my angels, loved ones, and spirit guides in, this was an amazing experience in which I saw and felt beautiful things. We then went on to ask for guidance from my angels. This was one of my favourite parts of the reading as I was given exactly what I needed to hear. I was told things that I struggle to believe about myself, and it gave me confidence to start to self accept. The guidance given was thought provoking and every time I listen back to you, I take alittle more from it. After that, we moved onto card readings and any questions I had. I really enjoyed this part as it allowed me to raise a couple of very important issues for me and resolve them. The card reading tells you what you need to do, how to resolve it and what your heart really desires, it’s incredibly enlightening.
We finished our session with healing, which was just lovely. I’ve had many healing sessions with Jo before and thoroughly enjoyed it. The experience with Jo gave me direction in my life and made me appreciate the potential for happiness. I felt lighter asnd more settled after. Furthermore, since my reading with Jo,some guidance she gave me has come to pass exactly as she said it would, so I know I’m exactly where I should be 😊 It was truly an amazing experience and I recommend it to anyone. Jo is such a kind and compassionate person, such a lovely energy to work with. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’m connecting with Jo again.