What is Ego?

What is Ego?

Hey, welcome to my blog! Today I want to talk about something that I think affects many of us: the ego. The question that many people ask themselves, especially when they are trying to improve their self-esteem, relationships, or happiness. Ego is the part of your...
What is The Lions Gate Portal

What is The Lions Gate Portal

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to my blog, where I share my thoughts on all things spiritual and holistic. Today, I want to talk to you about a very special event that happens every year around this time: the Lions Gate Portal. What is the Lions Gate Portal, you ask?...
What are the clairs?

What are the clairs?

They are different types of psychic abilities that some people claim to have. You know, like seeing the future, hearing voices, feeling vibes, and so on. The word clair comes from the French word for clear, and it’s used to describe how some people perceive...
The 12 Universal Laws

The 12 Universal Laws

The 12 Universal Laws: A Guide for Personal and Professional Growth Have you ever wondered why we need the 12 universal laws? The principles that govern the universe and everything in it. Well, they are there to help us create our own reality and live in harmony with...
Self-discovery and the Fifth Dimension

Self-discovery and the Fifth Dimension

The cosmic energies are sure leading us into the next version of ourselves right now, can you feel it? Everything is accelerating at a speed we haven’t seen before, it’s incredible, it maybe even feeling a little scary, but it is happening, it is real, and we are not...